Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Fluoride: the deadly cleaner

Fluoride is commonly found in toothpaste, and tap water. It is well known to fight cavities. What you may not have known is that it was once used as insecticide, and rat poison. Yummy! This tooth helper is a body killer! If it's found in both toothpaste and tap water, then you're probably consuming a lot! Fluoride is a by-product of copper, iron, and aluminum manufacturing. The way the thought to properly dispose of it, was to put into the water systems. This would hep fight tooth decay. Another problem is, based on a study on 34,000 students, fluoride doesn't even help tooth decay! Good time to start thinking about the money you may get if you sue the fluoridation companies. The irony of the idea of fluoride: too much consumption leads to discoloration of teeth and crumbling. Don't worry about that though. That's nothing compared to the other effects of fluoride! Fluoride hightens chances of absorption of aluminum in the brain. Too much aluminum leads to alzheimer's disease. A few other fluoride effects include, but are deffinately not limited to: bone fracture, damage to musculoskeletal and nervous systems leading to joint imobility, ligament calcification, muscular degeneration, and neurological deficits. Really starting to love the thought of fluoride right? Me neither. The biggest problem is, there's nothing you can really do. I wouldn't worry too much though, as it would take a fair amount of fluoride to cause the worst of results.

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