Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Developing film: an ancient art

Way back in the day, when technology was at its minimum, cameras took pictures in the form of film, not pixels. There are multiple chemicals involved. These include: Ilford Ilfotec HC film developer which converts salts into a metallic silver, Ilford indicator stop bath which is an acid neutrilizing the alkaline stop bath, Ilford rapid fixer which "deactivates" the sensitivity of your film to light, Heico permawash which removes fixer from your film, and photo-flo which prevents water spot marks. The stop bath is an opposite to basic matter, causing the basic matter to dissolve with the stop both. The photo-flo is an opposite to water, also dissolving the water as well as itself. Chemicals chemicals! When do they stop? This is just a few of what's used. There are other forms of these, and there are other chemicals all together. I bet you didn't know photography had anything to do with chemistry, did you?

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