Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Sugar vs. High Fructose Corn Syrup

Much debate has been sparked about the differences between sugar and high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). Most of the debate is around whether sugar is a much healthier choice than HFCS. The truth is while HFCS is not a really healthy choice, neither is sugar.

HFCS is a number of corn syrups mixed together to increase it's fructose content. The reason it is used in most sodas and cookies is because it is relatively cheaper than sugar and has a higher shelf life (similar to the relationship between paper and plastic). It is been shown that HFCS can make soda 10 times more richer in harmful carbonyl components; one study shows that carbonyl opponents can be a major cause to diabetic disorders such as, foot ulcers and eye/nerve damage. But this dose not mean that sugar is a healthier option, both have been proven to cause obesity, liver damage, and heart disease.

For more information follow this link,

-It always wondered me if HFCS was any worse than sugar or not.

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