Wednesday, February 15, 2012


METHANOL! It is cool sometimes and not cool other times. It is used for race car fuel. AWESOME! Race cars are fast, and going fast is cool, and methanol helps make race cars go so fast. Now to the not so fun part. Their flames are invisible, so if you catch fire do to methanol, this is pretty much what's going through your head: "O MY GOD IM ON FIRE!!! WAIT! THERE'S NOTHING THERE! HOW DOES THAT EVEN WORK!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!!" then someone comes over and they catch fire too and to some random person in the audience it looks like they all have dance fever and it's super contagious.

Really, the only effect this will have on the world is fast cars, which is AWESOME, and people who are on fire but the fire is invisible. What i dont get is why haven't the army looked into this for some weapons or something?

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