Saturday, December 17, 2011


Spectroscopy is the study of the interaction between matter and radiated energy. Basically, it's the study of the correlation of matter and light. The largest experiment that ever took place in spectroscopy was shining a light at a prism. The light that went to the prism was, obviously, white. It ended up coming out the other side looking like a rainbow. A large array of colors. Rainbows are a very good example of spectroscopy. Light from the sun is shined down on earth, but there is still water particles lingering. The light goes through each water particle, and each particle acts as the prism, showing up as a rainbow on the other side. In this sense, you can't go "over the rainbow" like Dorothy could, since light is everywhere. You'd have to go above the water particles. Spectroscopy is a very hard and complex science that can't even summed up in one blog. I encourage everyone to take some time to read about it, as it is a very interesting topic.

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