Friday, November 25, 2011

Methane Mystery on Mars


Planetary scientist are very confused of one thing. There seems to possibly have methane in the dead atmosphere of Mars. What could this mean? Many organisms including cows make methane and even some creatures that have been found on Earth not to breath oxygen produce methane. Also, this methane couldn't have been produced long ago since the rays of the sun would've already erased traces of it. This means there could possibly be life on Mars. Based on this accusation, it could possibly be true. Although, this is very controversial since there is no major evidence supporting it. They will be sending an SUV sized rover to try and collect signs of methane. Although, this rover won't give nay major hints to any kind of life on Mars. It is only a small test and nothing major will come of it. This only pushes it to be more controversial.

The article I had read had given all the key facts and evidence on both sides for why should we and why we shouldn't. I believe this may lead to more excitement to find life on Mars if methane signs are found. It would possibly lead humans to finding life and able to live on Mars as most people would for. This could possibly lead to something much bigger.

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